Frequently Asked Questions


  • Where do I pay rent?

    Rent can be paid online through our tenant portal, dropping a payment at our office, or by mailing in payment to 735 N. Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville SC 29607.

  • What if my rent is late?

    All rent is due on the 1st and will be considered late after the 5th. A late charge of 7% will be charged on the 6th. If rent is not paid by the 10th of the month, an additional 5% will be added. Eviction proceedings can be filed on the 6th. 

  • If I make property improvements, will my rent be reduced?

    No, please contact the office if you feel that there may be repair work that needs to be done. The lease states that you are not allowed to make any repairs to the property you are renting without written consent.

  • Does my security deposit count as the last month's rent?

    No. The security deposit is meant to cover any damages, carpet cleaning, and general cleaning that may be needed under the terms of lease.

  • Who determines security deposit deductions?

    Landlords can deduct any rent, late fees, or any outstanding fees from your security deposit. Additionaly any carpet cleaning, cleaning fees, or damages beyond the normal wear and tear will also be deducted.

  • When can I expect to receive my security deposit refund?

    Security deposits will be returned within 30 days from the end of lease, minus any itemized deductions. Tenants will need to have turned in keys and provided a forwarding address to be able to receive a refund.

  • Can I renew my lease?

    YES! We would love for you to renew your lease. We will contact you approximately 60-days from your lease expiration to discuss a lease renewal.

  • Do I need to pay for utilities?

    Typically, the tenant will pay for the utilities. Exceptions will be written in the lease. No keys will be given out until we have proof that a utility transfer has occurred.

    Our team is happy to help you set up utilities at no additional charge.

  • Are all repair issues the responsibility of the landlord?

    No. The landlord is only required to keep the unit in a safe and livable condition. This does not include any damage caused directly by tenants.

  • Am I responsible for the lawn maintenance?

    Please make sure to review your lease for confirmation, but tenenants are typically responsible for lawn maintenance. 

  • How can I get my security deposit refunded?

    Take pictures, turn in your move-in checklist, and keep notes and records of any issues.

  • If I plan on moving out, what is the procedure?

    A notice is required when you plan on moving out. We require a 60-day notice. The notice must be submitted in writing. Please include your forwarding address. 

  • What if I want to paint?

    We require a written approval from the property manager before painting.

  • What if I want a pet AFTER I move in?

    All pets must be pre-screened and the tenant must sign a pet addendum. We also require the tenant to pay a pet deposit.

  • What if I want to terminate my lease?

    A 60-day written notice is required and 1 month will be charged for termination fee.

  • What if I want to change the locks?

    We require written approval from the landlord before any locks may be changed. Tenants must provide management with two sets of all keys. Tenants are responsible for this expense.

  • Is renters insurance required?

    Renters insurance is not required, however it is highly recomended. We recommend you ask your insurance agent for more information. 

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